Consolto Review 2024: How to Boost Your Remote Sales and Consultations

Hey everyone welcome to my Consolto Review. If you are looking for a way to improve your communication and engagement with your remote customers, you might want to check out Consolto. Consolto is an all-in-one video conferencing and CRM platform that lets you add live video chat, scheduling, invoicing, and more to your website or a custom micro-site. In this article, I will review Consolto and show you how it can help you enhance your remote sales and consultations.

What is Consolto?

Consolto is a platform that allows you to offer high-quality video chat services to your customers without any downloads, installations, or contact details exchange. You can embed Consolto as a widget on your website or use a personalized ClickNTalk page to initiate online meetings. Consolto also integrates with Google Calendar, PayPal, Stripe, Webhooks, and Zapier to help you manage your appointments, payments, and workflows.

Consolto is designed for consultants, customer support professionals, online coaches, and anyone who wants to provide remote services to their clients. Consolto is GDPR-compliant and offers a white-label interface that you can customize to match your brand.

Consolto Lifetime Deal

What are the features of Consolto?

Consolto offers a range of features that make it a powerful and versatile tool for remote communication. Here are some of the main features of Consolto:

⇒ Video chat widget: You can add a video chat widget to your website that allows your visitors to start a video call with you with one click. You can also enable two-way screen sharing, file sharing, text chat, and voice messages during the call. You can also see your customer’s data, such as their location, device, browser, and referral source, to better understand their behavior and needs.

⇒ ClickNTalk page: If you don’t have a website, you can use a ClickNTalk page to invite your customers to a video chat. You can customize your page with your logo, background, and description, and share it with your customers via email, social media, or QR code. Your customers can join the video chat without any downloads or registrations, and you can also use the same features as the video chat widget.

⇒ Scheduling: You can offer bi-directional scheduling capabilities to your customers, allowing them to book a meeting with you or you to send them a meeting request. You can configure your availability, time zone, and booking rules, and sync your meetings with Google Calendar. You can also send automated reminders and notifications to your customers and yourself.

⇒ Invoicing and payments: You can create and send invoices to your customers within Consolto, and accept payments via PayPal or Stripe. You can also set up recurring payments, discounts, and taxes, and track your income and expenses. You can also export your invoices and payments data to your accounting software or spreadsheet.

⇒ CRM and analytics: You can manage your customer relationships and follow-ups with Consolto’s CRM features. You can see your customer’s profile, contact form, meeting history, shared files, notes, and messages, and set up reminders and tasks. You can also see your performance metrics, such as the number of calls, duration, ratings, feedback, and conversions.

features of Consolto

features of Consolto

What are the benefits of Consolto?

Consolto can help you improve your remote sales and consultations in several ways. Here are some of the benefits of Consolto:

⇒ Enhance customer experience: Consolto can help you provide a seamless and personalized customer experience by offering instant and easy video chat, screen sharing, file sharing, and text chat. You can also impress your customers with your professional and branded video chat widget or page, and show them that you care about their privacy and security.

⇒ Increase customer engagement: Consolto can help you increase your customer engagement and retention by offering flexible and convenient scheduling, invoicing, and payment options. You can also build trust and rapport with your customers by seeing their data and feedback, and following up with them regularly.

⇒ Boost customer conversion: Consolto can help you boost your customer conversion and revenue by offering high-quality video chat services that showcase your expertise and value. You can also leverage Consolto’s analytics and CRM features to optimize your sales and consultation process, and track your results and ROI.

benefits of Consolto

benefits of Consolto

How much does Consolto cost?

If you act fast, you can get a lifetime deal of Consolto on AppSumo for just $59. This deal gives you access to the Genius plan features, plus an extra 10% discount if you purchase by clicking the button below. This is a limited-time offer, so don’t miss this opportunity to get Consolto for life at a fraction of the cost.

Get Consolto Lifetime Deal Now

Consolto Review- Conclusion

Consolto is an all-in-one video conferencing and CRM platform that can help you enhance your remote sales and consultations. It offers a range of features that allow you to offer live video chat, scheduling, invoicing, and payments to your customers, as well as manage your customer relationships and analytics. Consolto is easy to use, secure, and customizable, and can help you improve your customer experience, engagement, and conversion.

If you want to try Consolto for yourself, you can get a lifetime deal of Consolto on AppSumo for just $59. This deal gives you access to the Genius plan features, plus an extra 10% discount if you purchase by clicking the button below. This is a limited-time offer, so hurry up and get Consolto for life today.

Consolto Lifetime Deal

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